GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ENROLMENT: (NB: Alliance Française d'Adelaïde shall hereafter be
referred to as AFA).
The AFA will not be held responsible for students' change in personal circumstances. If a class is missed for illness or personal reasons, a
strict no refund / credit policy applies. NB: it is not possible for your child(ren) to attend a make-up session.
We ask that you think carefully prior to enrolling your child in a course, as once their enrolment has been processed, strictly no refund of
fees will be given.
AFA reserves the right to cancel, alter or amend any of its courses. Courses may be cancelled before the scheduled start date if the minimum
number for the course is not reached, in such cases the full fee paid will be refunded. AFA also reserves the right to cancel or reschedule
any course that does not have sufficient numbers or in the event of unforeseen circumstances. An alternative course or full refund (less any
courses held / attended) will be offered.
Please check at Reception should you wish for your child to change classes. Waiting lists apply to some classes and an immediate change of
class may not be possible.
Classes will not be held on South Australian and national public holidays. The term fee will be adjusted accordingly in this situation.
To complete your child's enrolment, a secondary, more detailed enrollment form is required to be filled out. This secondary enrollment form
needs to be completed once per calendar year. Should any details change throughout the year, however, the onus is on the parent, guardian or
caregiver, to contact Reception and fill out the same form with the amended details. Detail changes include change of address, medical
information, change of school, change of emergency contact details, etc. On this form at the time of enrollment, parents will be required to
give the names of two additional people who will be permitted to collect the child in question. AFA staff will not allow children to leave
the premises with anyone apart from the two people named (or the enrolling parent(s)) and the afore-mentioned people will need to show photo
identification. By signing the secondary form, you are stating that your child will comply with the Behaviour Management Policy (BMP). This
document should accompany the secondary enrollment form. Please enquire at Reception if you have not received the BMP. NB: the BMP does
not apply for children under the age of 5, however the secondary form is still required.
Should your child need to leave early from class, the parent, guardian or caregiver will need to provide written permission to the teacher
for this to occur.
The AFA has a drop-off and pick-up policy to which parents, guardians and caregivers are required to adhere. Children are to be dropped off
no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the start of the class and picked up no later than 15 minutes after the class. NB: our duty of care
for your child does not extend beyond these times. If parents, guardians or caregivers fail to collect their child without contacting
Reception prior to the completion of the class (8272 4281), child-minding fees may apply.
Children under the age of 14 are to await collection inside the building and parents are instructed to come into the building to collect
their child.
A parent, guardian or caregiver will be required to contact Reception to notify in case of absence. A telephone call from a minor will not
be accepted.
- Students must enrol for the entire course.
Fees are due in full before the first scheduled lesson. Your child's place in the class will only be confirmed upon payment. A student whose
fees have not been paid may be asked to leave the classroom.
Cancellations notified in writing (emails will be accepted) at least 5 or more full working days prior to the course commencement date will
incur an administration fee of 20% (40% if less than 5 full working days) of the full course fee paid.
- No refund will be given after the start of the course.
We offer a 10% discount on course fees only (not applicable to private tuition) for holders of a government issued
Health Care Card (aged pension, unemployed, disability, sole parent). Please note that for the discount to be awarded, the child who is
being enrolled must be named on the valid concession card and the card must be shown at the time of enrolment. No card shown = no discount.
We offer the following discounts for families:
- 5% discount when two people from the same family enrol in the same ten week term;
- 10% discount when three people from the same family enrol in the same ten week term; and
- 15% discount when four or more people from the same family enrol in the same ten week term.
Discounts are non-cumulative however AFA will always honour the higher discount to which you may be entitled (if any).
We ask that you be considerate of fellow students, members, patrons and staff of the AFA and refrain from bringing animals of any kind into
the building. You will be politely asked to leave the building should you enter accompanied by an animal. Seeing-eye dogs are welcome.
The AFA aims to create and uphold a safe, inclusive and positive learning environment for students of all ages. As such, any person (staff,
student, member, parent, visitor, etc) exhibiting behaviour that is deemed to be inappropriate in any way will not be tolerated and bullying
and harassment of any kind will be taken very seriously. Everyone at AFA has the right to work, learn and or visit in a safe environment.
Please refer to the Code of Conduct (also available at Reception) for further information.
The AFA has a strong commitment to Child Safety and establishing and maintaining a child-safe and child-friendly environment. Please refer
to our website for the entire Child
Safe Environments Policy
(also available at Reception).
Protecting your privacy and personal information is important to AFA. It is, however, important for us to collect certain personal
information from you in order to offer you efficient service. We will only collect information from you with your knowledge and consent;
only use personal information provided by you for the purpose(s) for which it was collected, not disclose your personal information to a
third party without your prior consent, ensure that your personal information is not disclosed to other institutions except if required by
law or other regulation, and remove your personal information from our system where it is no longer required. You can gain access to the
personal information we have about you, and provide any necessary corrections by calling Reception on (08) 8272 4281.
AFA makes every reasonable effort to ensure that course information supplied is correct at all times. It reserves the right to change any
course, private tuition, fees and tutors where necessary. Every attempt will be made to notify enrolled students of changes. Students may
need to purchase text books or materials at an additional cost, unless otherwise specified.
These Terms and Conditions will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the State of South Australia and, by
signing this agreement, you submit to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of that State.
Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time without notice.