Our core values
We all need to take responsibility and be accountable for our actions and the impact we have
on others.
We need kindness and compassion to empathise with, and aid, those less fortunate than
Be respectful in the way we treat others, ourselves and the environment around us.
Be kind and encourage inclusiveness by treating everyone fairly and equitably.
Integrity stems from learning the importance of honesty, truthfulness and consistency in our actions.
Have the courage to confront the unknown and to resist intimidation or discouragement.
All members of our community are expected to:
- Demonstrate honesty and integrity.
Treat one another with dignity, respect and fairness, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnicity, creed, citizenship,
religion, gender, age, ability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation or any other attribute.
- Show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others.
Work in partnership with parents / caregivers to enhance the learning, outcomes and support the wellbeing and conduct of students.
Identify factors that may contribute to inappropriate conduct and work with the Alliance Française d’Adelaïde to actively
devise strategies to minimise these.
Maintaining order in the school and holding students to a high standard of respectful and responsible behaviour.
Provide formal and informal, regular and meaningful feedback on student learning for parents / caregivers.
- Responding to and reporting behaviours which may have a negative impact on our school atmosphere.
Report and manage all incidents of bullying, harassment, or violent conduct in accordance with Alliance Française
d’Adelaïde policies.
Ensure compliance with the core expectations that Alliance Française d’Adelaïde has of its staff as set out in the Human
Resources Manual and employment contracts.
Parents / Caregivers:
Encourage children to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour and to respect the rights of others.
In order to accommodate the needs of each and every child, we strongly encourage you to keep the student’s teacher informed of any
health issues or any other relevant matters of concern. If staff are unaware, your child may not acquire the full benefit of French classes.
Take an active role in their child’s progress, by ensuring their child is prepared for learning including attending class regularly
and on time, and promptly reporting any late arrival, early pick-up or absence by contacting Reception directly on 8272 4281, by SMS to 0449
178 325 or by email to adelaide@af.org.au.
- Helping their child understand that it is not appropriate to tease or bully others.
- Reviewing the Code of Conduct with their child and assisting them to follow the guidelines provided.
Show their commitment to study through punctuality, regular attendance and being ready and prepared to learn.
- Accept responsibility for their own learning and seek help when needed.
- Respect the rights of teachers to teach and other students to learn without disruption.
- Complete classroom activities and homework on-time to promote better learning.
- Show proper care and respect for school property.
- Treat fellow classmates with kindness and respect.
- Learn and interact in a co-operative and courteous manner.
- Respect and comply with requests made by Director (principal) or members of staff.
Our Code of Conduct aligns with the Ethnic Schools Board Child Protection Policies and Guidelines and will be reviewed regularly.