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A1 Beginners

A1.1 Beginners

Term Course

Learn how to greet others, introduce yourself and someone else, give and ask for information (name, address, telephone number...), and start to express yourself in another language! Textbook: Cosmopolite 1/A1, Dossier 0 + 1

    Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

    A1.1 Beginners Intensive

    Term Course

    Learn how to greet others, introduce yourself and someone else, give and ask for information (name, address, telephone number...), and start to express yourself in another language! Textbook: Cosmopolite 1/A1, Dossier 0 + 1

      Pace: 3 hours / week for 6 weeks

      A1.2 Beginners

      Term Course

      Travel to another city, describe it, ask for and give directions and learn how to book an accommodation.

      Talk about your family and learn how to describe someone. Express your personal tastes and study how to give more information about yourself (profession, passions, dreams).

      Textbook: Cosmopolite 1/A1, Dossier 2 + 3

      Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

      A1.3 Beginners

      Term Course

      Let’s go out ! Describe your daily routine at home and at work, ask for and give information about events, accept or decline someone’s invitation.

      Explore the past with passé composé and talk about past events and experiences, give advices with imperative.

      Textbook: Cosmopolite 1/A1, Dossier 4 +  Lesson 1-3 in 5

      Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks
      A2 Intermediate

      A2.1 Intermediate

      Term Course

      Let’s talk about food! Understand a menu, order and give your opinion about a restaurant making comparisons with others.  Go back to the past and learn imparfait to compare yesterday and today. Go shopping and learn about clothing trends and and become a fashion critic!

      Text Book: Cosmopolite 1,  Dossier 7 + 8

      Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

      A2.2 Intermediate

      Term Course

      Discover different types of tourism in France, compare linguistic stays, describe unusual accommodations and express rules and recommendations with various structures such as subjunctive.

      Textbook: Cosmopolite 2/A2, Dossier 1 + 2 (Lesson 1-3)

      Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

      A2.3 Intermediate

      Term Course

      Let’s talk about work in France and Australia. Speak about your career, give advices and learn about a new past tense: le plus-que-parfait.

      Talk also about past experiences, express your emotions and learn how to structure your speech with time markers.

      Textbook: Cosmopolite 2/A2, Dossier 2 (From lesson 4) + 3

      Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

      A2.4 Intermediate

      Term Course

      Share your tastes regarding cultural activities (series, music, comics, etc.). Learn how to ask written and spoken questions and express wishes with conditional.

      Learn how to describe someone’s characteristics. Convince, reassure and react to someone’s opinion.

      Textbook: Cosmopolite 2/A2, Dossier 4 & 5 (Lessons 1-3)

      Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

      A2.5 Intermediate

      Term Course

      ​Share your fears and feelings when you were traveling and learn about the indirect speech.

      Talk about cooking, cosmetics, repairs cafés and vintage. Discuss success stories and learn how to give a chronology to yours.

      .Textbook: Cosmopolite 2/A2, Dossier 5 (From Lesson 4) & 6

      Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

      A2.6 Intermediate

      Term Course

      Let’s talk about past. Understand someone’s story and share your memories about French. Stand up for a cause, criticize a project, ask for opinions and offer solutions.

      Understand and discuss news. Learn how to make suggestions with conditional and express your hopes with subjunctive. Text Book: Cosmopolite 2, Dossier 7 & 8
      Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

      Speak French like a Native

      Term Course


      Chépas, chui, kestudi?... Vous en avez assez de ne pas comprendre les Français ? Ce cours est fait pour vous ! Venez en apprendre plus sur la phonétique, l'histoire et l'évolution de la langue française. Avec son approche ludique au travers de chansons, de poésies et de dialogues de film, Jean-Marc vous fera découvrir les différences entre le français que l'on apprend et le français que l'on parle en France. Vous travaillerez également sur la phonétique et apprendrez à parler comme un.e Français.e.


      Chépas, chui, kestudi ?... Are you tired of not understanding when French people are talking? This class is for you! Come and learn more about phonetics, history and the evolution of French language. With its playful approach through songs, poems and movie dialogues, Jean-Marc will teach you the differences between French you learn at school and French we speak in France. You will also work on phonetics and learn how to speak like a real French.

      Level: A2

      Pace: 2 hours / week over 6 weeks
      B1 Advanced

      B1.1 Advanced

      Term Course

      Let’s move abroad! Classify and describe the best cities in the world to live in, give your opinion about exchanging jobs and houses and discuss about memories of moving to a new city. Learn how to express your intentions and wishes with conditional

      Text Book: Cosmopolite 3/B1,  Dossier 1 

        Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

        B1.2 Advanced

        Term Course

        Discover issues you can encounter when you are abroad. Learn how to describe health issues and their consequences, how to express your feelings in these situations. Share and discuss your past experiences abroad describing your differences with your country, your tastes and interests.

        Text Book: Cosmopolite 3/B1,  Dossier 2

        Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

        B1.5 Advanced

        Term Course

        ​Talk about professional world. Present your profession, understand and give advices for an interview, discuss differences between France and your country and describe a day at work. Learn how to structure your speech in the time.

        ​Text Book: Cosmopolite 3/B1 - Dossier 5

        Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks
        B2 Upper Advanced

        B2.2 Upper Advanced

        Term Course
        Let’s talk about the past! Make hypothesis about the past, describe old professions and discuss society’s evolution. Share memories of your childhood and learn how to present past events in different ways.

        Textbook: Cosmopolite 4/B2, Dossier 2

        Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

        B2.3 Upper Advanced

        Term Course

        What media do you prefer? Share and compare your preferences about books, debate about the cinema. Discuss cultural specificities, share society issues and offer solutions. Give your opinion about TV series and understand a creation process.

        Textbook: Cosmopolite 4/B2, Dossier 3

        Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

        Upper Advanced B2 Conversation

        Term Course

        While doing revisions and practicing French grammar, improve your everyday spoken French. Through different topics increase your vocabulary and your knowledge about France and its culture. This class is focus on speaking and improving your fluency. It requires a B2 level minimum.

        Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks
        C1 Upper Advanced

        C1.5 Upper Advanced

        Term Course

        C1.6 Upper Advanced

        Term Course

        Upper Advanced C1 Conversation

        Term Course

        While doing revisions and practicing French grammar, improve your everyday spoken French. Through different topics increase your vocabulary and your knowledge about France and its culture. This class is focus on speaking and improving your fluency. It requires a B2 level minimum.

        Pace: 3 hours / week over 10 weeks

        Upper Advanced C1 Conversation

        Term Course

        ​While doing revisions and practicing French grammar, improve your everyday spoken French. Through different topics increase your vocabulary and your knowledge about France and its culture. This class is focus on speaking and improving your fluency. It requires a B2 level minimum.

        Pace: 2 hours / week over 10 weeks

        Order This Course

        $434.50 AUD

        Code: UADV C1.5 MER10 - 2024T3
        This course is only for students who have completed C1.4 or who have been allocated this level following a placement test.

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